We collect a variety of data from our users for a better customer experience. To make you aware of our data-collecting process and what we do with those data, here are our privacy policies.

What Kind of Data Do We Collect

We collect mainly two types of data from our website visitors which are personal data and non-personal data. There used to be thousands of visitors to our site and we don’t need to collect data from all. For instance, if you have just visited our site and didn’t sign up for the subscriber program, we don’t need to know your name, email address, or any other related personal data.

Personal data includes the name, email of the subscriber, and billing address. You will provide these data only when you are signing up on our website as a subscriber. If you don’t want to be a subscriber, you don’t have to put any data in the form.

On the other hand, we also collect non-personal data from our visitors which are browser, IP address, location, and some related data. These data we collect through our software system. This is a random process. We don’t filter this kind of data. For people who are visiting our site from different demographics, we collect and track the location data.

Why Do We Collect Data from Visitors?

You may have thought why do we need to collect the data from you? Well, as we have stated above, we mainly collect two types of data which are personal and non-personal. We collect personal data from our subscribers. This is because we need to keep your email address and related information so that we can send further notifications to you. For instance, when we release a new product, we want to let our old customers know about the product. So, we send an email with the new product information. We may also offer upgrades for our users.

For the general data, we apply them for a variety of marketing purposes. We want to show the data related to our products to our existing visitors.

Who Gets Access to Your Data?

This is a big question for our visitors. For your awareness, we don’t give the data accessible to everyone. We have a website administration team that only gets access to our visitors’ data. Anyone from another third-party website never gets access to your personal data. So, you can be sure about the security of your provided data. We never give them access to non-personal data. There is no chance of data leakage.

Do We Sell Personal Data?

We can assure you that we never sell personal information to anyone. So, whatever information are you giving during the sign-up process, remains safe in our hands. We only use the information for our service purposes.

How Do You Delete Your Data?

For instance, you may give all the personal information including your name, email address, and some other data. But you don’t want to keep your data on our server anymore. In that case, you may want to delete your data. There are mainly two ways of doing this. One is, that you can simply unsubscribe from our website and we will stop sending the product updates to you.

The other one is, that you may ask to erase the whole information from our system. In that case, you have to reach out to us via email. Simply write an email about why you want to delete your account and send it to our customer service mail. Based on your request, we will take further action.

Third-Party Data Policy

For different purposes, we may mention some third-party website addresses on our website. For example, we may give some resource links to our visitors. If you visit those websites, they may collect the data from you and we don’t have any access to those. So, if you are visiting a third-party website and giving some personal information, we are not responsible for that. We will suggest reading their privacy policy before giving any personal information.